Attempting Water Positivity In the global scenario of water scarcity, we acknowledge the way we value, manage and use water. At SSMI, our exclusive water management policy aims at
Water is used for cooling, processing operations, and there is equal emphasis on both availability and quality.
We are dependent on a single source of water - the Patalganga River to make the water available to us. We collaborate with local stakeholders such as the irrigation department and key suppliers to understand possible implications on raw materials with respect to water availability and quality, and are aligned with the National Water Policy since 2011.
Following a Water Audit by MACE and MITCON to understand water use pattern, leakages and waste, we built an internal check dam for rainwater harvesting and ground water recharge. We reuse grey water from our Sewage Treatment Plant for industrial use and gardening, while using rain water for industrial top up, and have set targets to reduce industrial lift and consumption volumes. WRI's Aqueduct tool helps us map our water risk and source vulnerabilities, and contribute to our local community by supplying filtered water to the residential township housing our staff. Our water team is dedicated towards water conservation. Through theme based month celebration and flyers we are creating awards among our employee about water conservation and water management within operation.
Water scarcity can put increased pressure of natural resource availability on the steel industry and it is important that our company increase efficiency, manage water resources and invest in new technologies to conserve and recover lost water.