With increasing pressure on resources, we are constantly seeking ways to make smarter use of resources. We want to best manage our favourable and unfavourable impact on the environment and society, and address all sustainability related challenges.
Knowing that the steel sector is perfectly positioned to contribute to a circular economy, we intend to highlight the role of responsible steel and share best practices with our peers and other associated organizations.
65 % of our input for production is scrap, ensuring that we save even before we use. One of our efforts is to increase recycled input. However, we use the Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) that makes our core operations energy intensive, necessitating substantial effort in this area. We have begun a series of initiatives to ensure that our products are less energy intensive and use less water in the manufacturing process. One of our key enablers in product responsibility is to conduct Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) ofproducts, and thereby adopting appropriate migratory steps using less inputs and less harmful materials to manufacture our products, increasing our use of recycled input material including scrap etc.recycling wastes to approach zero landfill etc.
Environment management systems are key to increase our operational efficiency by helping us monitor our environmental performance. From being the first indian steel manufacturer to be ISO certified to promoting excellence internally through The Mahindra Way (TMW) Assessment, we are committed to quality and our production facilities are well certified, with EMS ISO 14001, OHSAS ISO 18001 and EnMS ISO 50001.We set annual benchmarks on identified focus areas and review our overall environmental performance against previously set targets. We also define initiatives and measures pertaining to each of our goals.